Remember back in September ‘23 when PM Fluffy wowed the diplomatic world with his claim that India was behind the murder of a Sikh activist in Canada?
“Wowed,” because that’s generally not the kind of language used in diplomatic circles, even if the claim is true.
That smear on Modi has ping-ponged its way through multiple other news stories, including the official inquiry into foreign interference in our democracy. Imagine my shock when I ran across this headline today; Canada denies linking Modi to criminal plot."
Huh? How is that possible? I’ve read many times in the Globe & Mail and the CBC that Modi is the mastermind behind this political violence in Canada. Every political leader across the spectrum has denounced the Modi government for interfering in our democracy, blah blah blah….
Aha! I’ve got it! I’m reading the story on a Russian propaganda site. They’re obviously making stuff up just to make our free press look bad.
The Government of Canada has not stated, nor is it aware of evidence, linking Prime Minister Modi, Minister Jaishankar, or NSA Doval to serious criminal activity within Canada,” according to a statement issued on Friday by Nathalie Drouin, the national security and intelligence adviser to the prime minister.
I couldn’t believe it, so I googled Nathalie Drouin, who I’d never heard of. Turns out she’s legit;
Statement from the Deputy Clerk of the Privy Council and National Security and Intelligence Advisor to the Prime Minister, Nathalie G. Drouin
The Government of Canada has not stated, nor is it aware of evidence, linking Prime Minister Modi, Minister Jaishankar, or NSA Doval to the serious criminal activity within Canada. Any suggestion to the contrary is both speculative and inaccurate.”
What? The Globe and Mail has been pushing speculative and inaccurate bullshit my way for over a year? And I find out about it by reading a Russian news site?
And they wonder why the public doesn’t trust mainstream media?
Great story. It will be featured in my next Reflections from the Heart of the Empire later today or early tomorrow morning.